Enabling Your People

Free trial of Flexera courtesy of SofwareOne

SoftwareOne offers GorillaStack users a free trial of Flexera One Cloud Cost Optimization solution for up to 60 days in 2024.

Flexera is a global leading provider of IT management solutionsand also a strategic partner of SoftwareOne.

To help smooth the transition off GorillaStack as we sunset the solution, we are offering clients a free trial of Flexera’s solution, so you can assess whether this alternative solution would meet your needs.

What is Flexera One Cloud Cost Optimization?

Flexera Cloud Cost Optimization is designed to help organizations manage and reduce their cloud expenses effectively. The solution provides:

• Real-Time Insights: Monitor and analyse cloud spending to identify cost-saving opportunities.

• Automated Optimization: Implement cost-saving measures automatically, such as rightsizing and resource scheduling.

• Comprehensive Reporting: Generate detailed reports to understand spending patterns and forecast future costs.

• Budget Management: Set budgets and track spending against financial goals to avoid overspending.

With Flexera Cloud Cost Optimization, you can ensure your cloud investments are efficient and aligned with your business objectives.

What can you expect?

• Once you submit your interest, Flexera will reach out to you to understand your specific requirements in more detail and agree the best path forward.

• SoftwareOne will fund a potential trial license of Flexera One Cloud Cost Optimization solution for up to 60 days in 2024.

• You can learn more about Flexera One Cloud Cost Optimization here and on the Flexera Learning Centre here.

Important Note: Free trial licenses are valid only for the year 2024. Each trial license will expire 60 days after activation or on 31 December 2024, whichever comes first. To maximize your 60-day trial, sign up by 31 October 2024.

What happens after the free trial?

At the end of the free trial, you can purchase the Flexera One Cloud Cost Optimization solution to continue using it. SoftwareOne and Flexera have agreed special pricings for GorillaStack customers and your SoftwareOne account manager will be on hand to help you through the software procurement process.

Enabling the productivity of your people

Organizations today are geographically dispersed, need to cater for varying work styles and seek to hire employees who wish to work from anyplace with different communication needs.

In order to meet today's workplace needs and increase prudctivity, SoftwareOne brings you the latest solutions to modernize you business, improving collaboration and communication in a managed and secure environment.

SoftwareOne is here to help you empower your employees, partners and customers to embrace that change. We leverage cutting edge productivity solutions to bring new levels of connectivity across your work environment.

The World of Work is Transforming

Lifecycle Automation

Streamline procurement processes. View, track and manage all software transactions, orders, invoices, and contracts in one platform. Track spend and simplify complex contract management, renewals and global EA True-ups.

Cloud Spend Management

View and predict cloud usage across Azure, AWS, Office 365 and Adobe. Get a clear view into how your business uses cloud resources, track actual spend against budgets and optimize your cloud environment with centralized tagging.

Actionable Intelligence

Gain insights into your current and predicted future spend. Understand business demand, track software usage and govern resources. Identify potential cost savings, improve compliance and enable better security of cloud resources.

SoftwareOne provides support at every stage of the procurement process - from negotating with vendors to recommending alternative products and providing real-time reports.

Karen Cehnery, Senior Commercial Manager at Atkins IS


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Enterprise Grade Backups from a cost-effective Hosted Service

Lifecycle Automation

Streamline procurement processes. View, track and manage all software transactions, orders, invoices, and contracts in one platform. Track spend and simplify complex contract management, renewals and global EA True-ups.

Cloud Spend Management

View and predict cloud usage across Azure, AWS, Office 365 and Adobe. Get a clear view into how your business uses cloud resources, track actual spend against budgets and optimize your cloud environment with centralized tagging.

Register your interest

Before you fill out the below form, we would like to make sure that you have a basic understanding of the Flexera Cloud Cost Optimization solution, so that you can judge if it fits your requirements.

Flexera has created a video for a quick overview and has a webpage which will help you to better understand the solution, but also map this to your requirements.

Fill in your details below to express your interest the Flexera Trial:

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